Tuesday, November 15, 2011

[NEW] Segregation

The question was: Do you think that there is a segregation in life? 
And yes, I do. In my opinion there will always be a segregation just because there will always be people who have more money than others. The people who are wealthier can live in a differant style than poor people.

For example: Neighborhoods. To buy a house in certain neighboorhood is more expensive than living in an other. That splits people in two categories: the people who have more money live next to eachother and the people who are less wealthy have their homes in the same area.

I think the amount of money which people have is one of the biggest reason, why there is a segregation. It differs people in so many things: where they go on vacation, in which school they are, what kind of clothes they are wearing, their cars... etc etc.

I think when a country is very poor like India for example, segregation is getting more common. You can see more the contrast between the rich and the poor people. In India they have different categories to differ people from each other depending how much money they have.

On the opposite the country where I am from, Luxembourg, is kind of a rich country because it's very very small. The segregation is not shown so obviously but there is still a segregation in other respects. Schools for example have certain clichees and people actually choose their school depending on these clichees. Certain schools are known for, that they have more 'snob' students. But generally the segregation is not so clear and obvious as in India or an other poor country, because all the people who live in Luxembourg have enough money to live a nice life. I'm very lucky to live in a country where the segregation is not so huge because when we went to Africa it let me feel bad when I saw that all the tourists were so rich compared to the inhabitants...

Some people like to live with the people of their categories. For example a lot of chinese people wanted to construct a chinatown because they liked to live in their lifestyle or habit even if they actually live in a completely different city or country. So we can see that it's not always a bad thing to live in segregation because there are some people who prefer that.