Friday, September 16, 2011

[CE] Greece's Economic Problems


Greece's Economic Problem is something to take very seriously because it's a problem that affects countries all over the world. When the Government doesn't have enough money to pay for the costs of the country, banks go bankrupt and people from other countries, who invested money in a Greek bank, will lose their money, even they didn't do something wrong or aren't a citizen of the country.

I can understand that Europe starts to get very angry with Greece because the other European countries can not see any attempts to find a solution from Greece. They keep on spending more money than they have and expect that we keep on paying for them. 
Europe wants to see progress, like raising taxes to get more money for the government, or reducing spending.  One of the most important things is that Greece has to start to be financially independent. Other European countries can not pay for them all of the time. The resources of Europe are also limited so Greece has to become independent for the future. 

I think it's time that Europe places a little bit more pressure on Greece to show them that they really have to change something. That's exactly what they want to try with the meeting in October. Europe wants to see Greece's plans for the future about their economic problems.

The Government starts to get into trouble because even the people from the country start to protest and are unhappy. 
In my opinion Europe should help them and try to create them a base but also let them find solutions for their own future problems.


  1. Hey Claire.
    Ich habe gerade ein Zitat aus deinem Blog benutzt.
    Liebe Grüße! Lucy

  2. I have been following the economic story in Europe a little bit, although I am not a big expert in global finance.

    It seems to me that what's happening more and more, both in Europe and here in the US, is that the folks who make the big decisions about a country's money (central bankers, governmental leaders) have been making bad choices and bad mistakes...But they are not the same people who PAY for those mistakes. If I were a Greek citizen, I bet I would be upset too...
