Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[RE] 'September the 11th' from Sarina Ngo

I choose to take Sarina's post about 9/11/01 because I think it's a very interesting topic and I could really understand her feelings.
''Before I never really knew what happened on that tragic day because I was only five years old.''
I can remember the day when the tragedy happened. I stayed in my grandparents home because my parents were absent for a few weeks. They had just returned on 9/11/ to Germany from their vacation in New York City. I can remember that my mother was sitting in front of the TV and she cried the whole time. I couldn't understand and was to young to realize that they were standing two days before the horrific event in front of the World Trade Center.

Now I'm older and I can imagine how my parents must felt when they heard that there was a terrorist attack at the place where they just came back from.

Sarina is absolutely right when she says killing won't solve problems. It creates even more problems and that's exactely what Osama Bin Laden wanted to reach. But what's the result about making a country problems? It only puts the World in terror and it provokes that people revenge them but in the end there's only thousands of dead people, a back and forth and no conclusion.
It's getting worse and worse.

The best thing would be when the whole world would stick together, find compromises, solve problems by talking to each other but it's not possible because the cultures are too different... Although it's not possible we should try to get on with each other because we live in the same world so we have to get on well with each other to prevent tragedies like 9/11/.

It's not realistic to try to find compromises for the whole world because the opinions about life, religions and other things are too different. Every country has to make their own rules and to try to get along in their country. That's the only way how people can prevent big fights between countries and cultures. Even if I think it's horrible how men treat women in Afghanistan and I wanted best to help them, I do not have the right to interfere in their opinions about life because I would not agree with them when they wanted to change MY opinion about life.

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