Friday, September 30, 2011

The Definitve Characteristic of a human being

It took me a long time to decide which topic I wanted to choose. Should I choose the characteristic of a human being or of humanity? Finally I decided to write about what human beings makes them different from other things. Even if  it seems to be a smaller topic, because it's only about one person, there are still a lot of things to talk about.

What is the characteristic of a human being is the question? What makes a human different and special compared to other creatures?

The first factor, on which you can see if it's a human or something else, is the biological and physical characteristic. When you look over that, you'll recoginze that there are a couple of more inner properties and I'll try to talk about them.

Humans have a highly developed brain because they usually get a good education about many things in life. That is why, other creatures will never know as much as human beings, because they don't go to school, they don't have the chance to learn, why things are as they are. Other creatures don't care about a lot of events because they don't know that there is a reason why, for example, the weather changes from time to time.
Because we know a lot, we are used to think in a more complex way. On the contrary, animals think in a much simpler way so they don't have to worry about things on we have to worry. That makes it easier for them and so we can say that they are "learning by doing'' instead of thinking through all the steps they want to do.
Because human beings made huge progresses since the last centuries we know a lot. Animals didn't evolve them self during the last years. The progress in the animal world will always stay on the same level however humans evolve from year to year.

I think that one of the biggest feature is, the fact, that humans think before they're acting. Animals are much more intuitive. They don't think before they are showing emotions, everything is more instinctual.
People pay in general more attention to do not hurt somebody's feelings with what they are saying or doing. They are more emotional.

The fact that people always think before they are acting can be intelligent.But it can also become as an obstacle, when people are never really spontenous. When somebody has always a plan for everything, this person risk to stand in his own way and miss the wonderful feeling about being free or doing what they want to.

An other thing is that in my opinion animals stay more in their habits or that they don't have such a huge variation in their life compared to human beings.
So humans are in general more interested in getting new experiences compared to animals. I think it's normal because humans have more possibilities.
Example: For traveling, we can take the plane. This option allows us to travel to foreign coutries to collect new experiences. Animals don't have the stimulus because they don't have the possiblities so they don't even know that these things exist.

An other factor is that humans need a social life. There aren't many people, who are happy when they are alone. Animals only care about their nearest related people. Some male animals don't even help raise their young.
I think that it's at least never happening that animals make deap friendships and humans can't actually live without relationships. 
Researches tell us that we need to get love in any kind of ways to be happy. When animals need love is it more physically. A dog would never buy his partner flowers just to show him that he loves him.

When we think about all these different standpoints, it seems that there is a huge differance between humans and animals. It's true, but even people are completely different,  in my opinion there is one very big factor, on which you can see that human beings and animals are connected.

When there is an emergency situation, the facade of a human with his good behavior, planned acts and polite way disappears. In German we say: '' Wenn die Panik ausbricht, werden Menschen zu Tieren''.
It means that when there is a panic situation, humans transforme into animals.
What does that mean?
I would like to say that wee can see in all these movies where an emergency situation is as in ''Titanic'' and even in our dailylife, we can see that people can be very selfish. When it is about life or death, everybody fights for them self and even leaves sometimes other people back just to survive and save themself. It is like in the wildlife.

I think it's nice to see that two different creatures can be so different but that we recognize that we still have things in comment. It is a fact that all the creatures from earth are connected because one thing will never change, we live all on the same world.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this because it's almost scientific, you know? People will point out that without our 'humanity,' we're almost like animals. But we aren't, and you pointed that out very well.
