Thursday, October 6, 2011

[RE] Friendships are never-ending

I'll respond on Jennifer's post about her never-ending friendship with her friend.

It seems to me that Jennifer has very strong friendship with Brianna and that reminds me of my friendship, I have with my best friend Julie. She is also on an exchange in Canada at the moment. We are very close to each other for already 7 or 8 years, so we experienced our whole childhood in which we grew up together.
I think that brings us so close to each other because in these 7 years a lot of things happened, her parents got divorced for example, and we were all the time next to each other and made these experiences together.

Even if we are both very busy at the moment because we have to settle down in our new life in America and Canada, we know that we are there for each other. Usually we talk everyday to each other because she is in my class in school, we go together to dance and she lives next to my street, so it's the first time we haven't talk to each other for a couple of days or weeks.

I think that Jennifer is right when she says that such a strong  friendship can never end because Julie and I, we experienced so many things together that we will always have things which connect us and that makes our friendship unbreakable.

When the chemistry between two persons is simply right, you can feel it pretty fast after spending little time with her or him. Julie is also like a sister for me because she simply knows and understands how I feel.

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