Friday, October 7, 2011

[CE] India creates world's cheapest computer

India invented kind of an I-Pad for people who don't have enough money to buy computers by themself. They sell this new invention for 45$ and since now, students from India have the possibility to make reasearches and use technology.

I think that it's a wonderful idea to create a cheap computer because in our world live more poor people than rich people. Education is one of the most important things but many people don't have the chance to learn or study because they don't have the money. That is one of many factors we have to change!

To give students the possibility to use the internet to find out what's going on in the world is a great thing because that gives the world the chance to give everybody an education.

It reminds me a bit of the time in the Rennaissance when Gutenberg invented the printing press. A large public education started because people got informations about many things and so they got smarter and smarter and that is what happen in India now.

I went to India with my family this year in April and I remember that we met a lot of children who had to work instead of going to school. When we asked them if they are not going to school, they told us that there is not enough money left to pay for education.
Now, people can save money to buy themself this new computer. It's much cheaper than paying every month for school and schoolstuff and they have a chance to get an education, teach themself things which they can learn with the help of the internet.

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