Friday, October 21, 2011

[CE] Kidnapped French woman dies in Somalia

My third post responds this week on the current event : Kindnapped French woman dies in Somalia 

When I read this current event, I was so schocked...  An innocent, old laddy was at the the beach of a Kenyan Island Resort and got kidnapped. Actually it wasn't a lonly place so usually there wouldn't be a reason to worry or to imagine about such a horrible thing.
I'm always asking myself why people do that to other humans... I mean, it is obvious that they weren't interested in money because when the French woman told them that they could take all the stuff from the house, they just ignored what she was saying. They only took her away.
The article says also that it was planned, targeted attack, according to witnesses because we can see on the way how she kidnapped her that it was not important for them to hide the kidnepping from other people.
I think this current event shows us again that you can never take enough care of yourself but actually there will never be a garanty for totally safety. That scarres me a bit because the old laddy from France didn't do something wrong... I think that is also very hard for her family because it's nobody's fault. It is not the case that she brought herself in a dangerous situation and I think that is the most difficult part to accept, that it's nobody's fault...

Some French authorities tried to get the medication she needed to her and the place she was located. She had cancer so she needed her medecine to survive. The saying goes that she died because she didn't get her stuff...
Everything what I can say about this event is that it's horrible and I think there was no chance to save her...

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