Friday, October 14, 2011

[FREE] Scuba Diving

 It's getting harder and harder to find every week a topic to write about in my free post:) So this week I wanted to write about something I always wanted to try in my life but never got the courage to make it real.

Something, I always wanted to try out is Scuba Diving. Friends who went diving told me that's so amazing!
The fact, that everything is quiet around you and you can watch the different kinds of fishes is a great feeling. When I see all these pictures, which were taken by people who went scuba diving, I'm aways thinking that I would love to try it but actually I'm too afraid to dive under the water surface.

Maybe it's the case because when I was younger I had bad experiences of diving.
I would really like to try it but always when I'm deap under the water surface, I'm feeling pressed...  It's weird, I know:)
3 years ago we went to Jordan, next to the Red Sea. My parents went scuba diving and my sister too but I couldn't join them because I was ill and diving is dangerous when people are sick. 

I think I'm going to start to learn it first in a swimming pool, before I'm going to the sea because that takes me the fear of the depth.
During the Thank's Giving Break I'm going to Hawai with my hostfamily, so I hope I will have enough courage to overcome my fear and make my dream comes true.

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