Friday, October 21, 2011

[RE] Chocolate

My post respond on Lotta's free post from last week about chocolate.

So I'am the friend of her who started with her the three-weeks-without-chocolate-challenge:D
We are doing that just for fun and to look if we are strong enough to resist the temptation.
Actually I have to say that it is so much easier to do that with friends. When I'm trying to eat less chocolate and I do it on my own, it never works because I never pass through the temptation.
For sure I miss to eat chocolate and it kills me when my sister sits next to me with a huge brownie and I'm just thinking: Alright Claire, only two weeks more...

I think nobody can exactuely tell us, why we just need sometimes to eat a piece of chocolate, it is just like it is. And nothing else can replace it. I personally can not eat something instead of chocolate when I want something sweet. Then I prefer to eat nothing with sugar and set a day where I can eat as much calories I want to eat:D

I'm happy that I'm not alone because as I said, I could never make it on my own:P I'm really looking forward to our chocolate evening because then we can enjoy all our calories we missed the last weeks and be proud that we made it. That sounds like I'm a bit weird, of course most of the time I eat chocolate without bad feelings, like everybody else, but I think it's fun to try this out. But only for 3 weeks, that's for sure! :P

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