Friday, October 14, 2011

[RE] I wonder what the person I'm going to marry is doing right now

I decided to write a respond post on Sharon's free post about her future husband

I think the questions which Sharon was asking herself are very interesting and I've never thought about it in that way.
Well, so what is my future husband doing at the moment while I'm writing my free post in English right now? How old is he? Where does he live? When I started to think about all these questions, I started to get more and more curious.
Actually, we have often situations where we recognize that one year ago we could never imagine how things would turn out one year later...
So I'm sure that when I will be marry, I can remember the days where I was thinking about how and who my husband would be... I think it's funny when people are standing at a point where you have all the answers of the questions we asked ourself a few years ago.

When people have boyfriends in high school or college they always imagine to stay with them forever, raise children etc... but actually when we look over that in a realistic way is it hard to stay forever with that person. In life we will meet a lot of peopl so the risk, that we meet someday a person who matches better with us, is big.

But that's not only the case when you're young. Even when you are an adult it can happen that you meet someday another person which you like more. That makes me a bit nervous and so I'm not sure if I want to marry a person. So here we get the next question. Will we ever get married or is it enough to have only relationships nowadays?

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