Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sophomore Biweekly Column

''Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart''
I agree with Job's advice because I think it's nice when a person can follow his heart for a last time before his death, without being afraid of the consequences. There is nothing to lose and that is what gives the people courage. That's it what people are missing, the courage to follow their heart because to do that, is not always the easy way, on the contrary. It's a shame that certain people only act in this courageous way because they know that they have nothing to lose anyway and that is what I don't like about Steve Job's advice.

I think everybody who reads Steve's sentence agrees with him. To open ourself is a great feeling, but why do people wait until there is the situation where the time has come where they are going to die?

To imagine such a situation shows us how we would act when we would stand before death. So when we think it's good to follow our heart at the end, why don't we do it from the beginning?
People are too coward to take the hard way.

I think it's wrong ONLY to follow our heart when there is nothing to lose because then people make it again easy for them and actually the point about following their heart is, to act in a way, no matter what the consequences are.

Someday it's time to say goodbye, that's a fact and most of the people don't know when the day is there. I think many people would like to know when they are dieing to have the chance to open their heart for a last time. Otherwise they were never enough courageous to do it. What if you don't know when you are dieng? That's a think what you can not plan...
You should ask yourself every evening: when you would die tonight, would you be satisfied with your life or what would you like to change? And when you can answer with: I'm satisfied. I would do everything exact as I did it even when there were some very hard times but I followed my heart all the time and so I know that I didn't lie about myself.  I think that gives you the safety and takes you the fear of death. When you wouldn't be satisfied and recoginze that you have never actually followed your heart, you should change something... Researches tell us that our heart is always stronger than our head so we shouldn't act against the natural.
What do you get from following your head when you're not happy at the end...?


Two people love eachother but the guy was never courageous enough to except that because he knew that to enter in that relationship would be very complicated. He died someday in a carcrash without telling the girl how much he actually loved her. One the one side it doesn't change something on his statement because he is dead but he will never ever have the possibility to tell the girl again how much he trully loved her. He missed the chance to be honest to the girl and to himself because he didn't follow his heart.

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