Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[HW] In a darkened room

I was sitting in that room... I couldn't even remember if I'm in a room or not. The only thing I saw was that black color around me.
I opened my eyes wide but something was different. Usually it's getting bright when I open my eyes but I stayed in darkness.
I tried to get up off the floor. Standing up was never so complicated because I couldn't find my balance. I was searching to touch a wall but there was nothing. I was standing in the middle of nowhere. The only thing I knew is that I needed to find something to save me. But how could I find it when I was kind of blind? I didn't even know if the object I searched was still in that darkened room.

The only thing I could remember was that my cell phone was in my pocket, when I recognized that this black car was following me on my way back home. I didn't know what happened after they pulled me into the car...

When I came back to consciousness, I was it that room and I could only hope that my cell phone was somewhere in that room to save me.

I bent down and start to crawl on my knees like an infant, but I was helpless like an infant! It felt like the darkness had a higher position than me. Every little thing I could hear scarred me. Things, I wouldn't even recognize when they were there in a lighted room because with light I were not scarred.

I went slowly back to the wall which gave me a little feeling of safekeeping, with my back against the wall. Even I couldn't see the walls around me I had the feeling that they were coming closer and closer. Faster and faster. I had got headache and tried to push them away with my hands but they were always in front of me. I screamed just to try to break these dark walls in front of me but when I stopped, the echo of my screaming even scarred me more and let me slump down on the floor.

The air was stifling. I was breathing heavily and even that scarred me. The only thing I wanted was to find my Cell phone to call somebody who could help me. This pressure, that only I could save me was horrible. I was desperated...

Suddently I stood up and start to run inside the room. I shmashed with all my power against a wall and fell to the ground. I was rolling on the floor, in the deep... I could feel the heat.

I was never a person, who gave up quickly but in that situation, the only thing wich felt right was to throw my head against the wall, as hard as possible...


  1. I really like your story! And the ending too, even if it isn't a happy end :) I like how you wrote it.
    Lotta <3

  2. Scary stuff! So the character got kidnapped, right? This is a terrifying story.

    Much of the detail seems to be about the emotional condition of the character...So you can get a good sense of what she/he is feeling, but not much about what type of space or room they are in. Very mysterious and frightening...
