Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[FREE] My homecountry, Luxembourg

I decided to write something about Luxembourg for my free post this week because many people don't know a lot about this country because it's so small.

First of all I will explain you a bit about the boring things like where it is located, how many people in the country live and stuff like that...

Luxembourg is located between Germany, France and Belgium. The Population is about 511 000 from the country and the Density is 501,3/ sq mi.
We have a Grand Duke and a Prime Minister, called Jean-Claude Juncker.
People in Luxembourg live in a different time zone so the time difference is about 9 hours. For example when it's 12pm in Alameda than it's 9pm in Luxembourg. Our currency is Euro.

When people always ask me, what the biggest difference between the US and Luxembourg is, it's always hard to answer because there are so many differences. Food, laws, school, weather, attitude of the people and much more are different from the things in California.

For teenagers/young adults:
-you have to be at least 18 to get your driving license ( you can drive with 17, but your guardian has to sit next to you)
-you can start drinking alcohol and smoking when you are 16 years old
-you can stop school when you are 15 and start to work ( but the most people stay in school, go to university and work during holidays to earn money)

Like in America, the food we eat in Luxembourg is varied. Different is that the choice of the products is much bigger here.
For example the chain : Ben and Jerry's
We have Ben and Jerry's in Luxembourg but only about 5 flavors and here you have all kind of ice-cream. Actually, I was so impressed about that.
You can describe it like everything is bigger, more varied and a bit more sugared.
A thing, I was also impressed about, is that water is for free here in restaurants:) In Luxembourg you have to pay for each bottle or glas.

I recognized that the attitude of the people is also different when I compare both countries.
In my country, people are more closed when you meet them the first time so it's hard to get into contact with other people at the beginning. They are shier than the people in the United States so it's never happing that people ask each other how they are doing in shops. But after you meet people a few times, they start to be very open and so you get very deap friendships.
Because the country is so small you can imagine that there is much more gossip than in a big city.

There are a lot of more differences between the two countries. To many to write them all down:)

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